------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Ranma 1/2 "The Nature of the Curse" Hard Battle Story by Douglas MacDougall ------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted 19 Dec 1998, and last modified 6 Jan 1999. The latest parts and revisions of this story are available at: http://www.dougmacd.net/fanworks/ Ranma 1/2 (c) Rumiko Takahashi / Shogakukan * Kitty Film * Fuji TV. Exclusively licensed throughout the United States and Canada by Viz Communications, Inc. This fan fiction is for private home use only; it may be freely redistributed, but not altered or used for profit. Not Rated. Parental Guidance Suggested. ------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Part 5 Akane: Strong Enough for a Man, but Made for a Woman? ------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- "Who IS he?" asked Sayuri. She was leaning forward, looking at the handsome young man performing martial arts on the home video. The boy was fighting two older men and holding his own. He appeared to be yelling, but the volume was turned all the way down, so she couldn't make out the words. She eyed the screen of the small, portable TV screen hungrily as the boy made another series of strikes. Every time he pulled back an arm to punch, the front of his martial arts uniform would open a bit, revealing his strong, flat chest. "Another martial artist," remarked Yuka. Although she was sure she knew the answer, she asked anyway, "Does he have a girlfriend?" Sayuri glanced up at the third girl in the room, who had brought the small TV/VCR combo. All of the martial artist boys that came to Nerima turned out to be girls, perverts, or obsessed over Akane or Ranma (or some combination thereof). At least the open gi made it clear that the boy in the video was no girl wearing a chest wrap. The third girl grinned. "Ladies, I can guarantee you that this fine example of male flesh does not have a girlfriend." Yuka could almost see the fantasies appearing in Sayuri's head. "So he's free?" The grin became lopsided, and the girl shrugged. "Nothing is free." "Is he AVAILABLE? Geez, Nabiki, you know what I mean." Nabiki mock-pouted. "Alas, I'm afraid he... left Nerima last night. I don't think he'll be back anytime soon." Sayuri practically cried. "I'll never see him again?" She caressed the screen of the TV/VCR. Yuka shook her head. "Well, for the incredibly modest price of... 3,000 yen, you can get your very own copy of this video. Complete and uncut." Sayuri's head bobbed eagerly. "Can we get more of him?" Yuka raised her eyebrow at the word 'we'. Nabiki pursed her lips in thought. "Well, he's gone quite a distance away, so I don't think I can get any film, but if you want to send a letter, I can see that he gets it. Only... 1,000 yen." Sayuri slapped a some bills onto the table. "Both!" Nabiki started to reach for the money, but Sayuri kept her hand on it. "But for 3,500 yen." Nabiki considered the offer. "Okay, but it's a one time deal. You can get the discount for buying both, and being my first customer for this fine product." "And you guarantee that there's at least two hours on this tape, right?" "But of course. Recorded on Short Play on Max-L Gold tapes for premium visual quality and fidelity. And my helpful blow-by-blow voice-over describing all the Anything-Goes action." While Sayuri and Nabiki bartered, Yuka gasped at what she saw on the screen. Sayuri, hoping to see something juicy, turned the mini-TV/VCR around and looked at the screen. Girl-type Ranma was on the screen. "No fair!" Yuka knew it. "This new martial artist. He's got some sort of grudge against Ranma, doesn't he?" He's a martial artist in Nerima. Of course he had a grudge against Ranma. Nabiki blinked guilelessly. "A grudge? No, I wouldn't say that... exactly..." Yuka was about to ask what EXACTLY Nabiki DID mean when Sayuri made an indignant squawk. "That pervert!!" "Huh?" Sayuri rewound the tape a few seconds. When she hit play, Yuka saw that Ranma was no longer leering at the martial artist, but was looking at the screen sporting a very red face. Sayuri griped, "He's got the hots for the new guy. That two-timing jerk. He's got Akane, Ukyo, the Chinese girl and even Kodachi, and now he's after BOYS, too!" With fires in her eyes, Sayuri pulled out a notebook from her bag. "I won't stand for it! He won't take my Darling away!" She flipped open the book and started writing. "'Darling'?" Yuka glanced over Sayuri's shoulder. "What are you writing?" "I'm going to write a love letter for my Darling. He'll know my true affections for him. And I'll tell him what a slut the pig-tailed girl is." She grinned evilly. "What's this!? Does someone speak ill of my goddess?" The three girls turned around to the door of the classroom. During the lunch period it had been empty to all but themselves, but the period was almost over, and students who had gone to the cafeteria were trickling back. One of those students being Kuno. Sayuri started sweating. She didn't know what Kuno did to girls that "spoke ill" of his "goddess". She had the sinking feeling that it involved his bokken, and it wasn't fighting him for the right to date. The tall upperclassman glided into the room with even, silent steps. "What is this? Why do you speak such hateful words of the pig-tailed girl? Are you so jealous that she holds my affections?" "I... uh... Upperclassman..." Sayuri wilted under Kuno's gaze. Yuka came to her rescue. She spoke with as straight a face as she could, "It appears that the pig-tailed girl has found another love, Kuno." She turned the screen to him and rewound the tape, showing the good bits. "What... What devil is this?" The tape ended a few seconds after the blush. "Who is this knave, and what has he done to ensorcell my goddess?!?" Sayuri was about to interject something that would have gotten her in even more trouble, when Yuka tugged at her sleeve. While Kuno was fixated on Sayuri's 'Darling', they could make their escape. And did. "For 10,000 yen I'll tell you how to get in touch with him," grinned Nabiki. "Done!" Kuno slapped his own wad of bills on the table. "I would know who has done this to my love. And I must stop him before he dares approach Akane!" "Funny that you should mention that, Kuno-baby..." * * * * * * Akane noticed a letter had been placed on her seat. It was a few minutes before the beginning of class, so she opened the envelope and started reading the note within. There were two sheets of colored paper, written in a feminine hand. Little hearts and stars decorated the kana and kanji of the letter. She started to read the letter, and then hid the papers in her lap when someone brushed by her seat. She hoped the heat she felt in her cheeks and ears wasn't visible. It was a love letter. From a girl. Something she did not need. She glanced down to see a name, but it was only signed, "Secret Admirer". She didn't bother to read past the first few lines, where the Admirer called her 'wonderful', 'strong', and 'tender'. She stuffed the pages into her bag and tried to contain her emotions. After school, away from prying eyes, Akane would be able to safely destroy the evidence. Weren't those days behind her? It had been over a year and a half since anyone thought she... swung that way. She remembered the days before Ranma had arrived, when she fought off hordes of schoolboys every morning. There had been some undesirable consequences of saying she 'hated boys' and repeatedly beating them up. More then one unknown girl had sent messages to their 'Big Sister,' slipping love notes into her locker when she wasn't around. She never found out who those admirers were, and was glad of it. Even though it removed one of her favored means of blowing off steam, there WAS a benefit to Ranma putting an end to the daily fights. She hadn't received one of the anonymous letters since. The student behind her tapped her shoulder, startling Akane. She turned around and accepted a note from him. Farther back, she saw Sayuri wave at her. Unfolding it she read, "Think i'm in love! Again! See you after class. ^_^ " Akane smiled. It would be nice if Sayuri found a new boyfriend. She was very friendly and outgoing, but also very shy around boys. The fact that she was always hanging around Yuka or Akane didn't make her very approachable, either. Akane giggled at all the goofy little rainbows and clouds drawn on the small note. She had met Sayuri in the final year of grammar school, and Yuka a year later in Junior High. As long as she had known her, Sayuri was always bubbly and excited over everything. She had an infectious personality that was fun to be around. Sometimes Akane felt as though Sayuri had never grown up past her grade school days. Always immature, she referred even to her friends as 'Upperclassmen' or her 'big sisters'. Only Yuka and Akane were referred to without any honorifics. Maybe if she met a boyfriend, it would give her a little more self-confidence and assertiveness. More likely, it would be another crush that wouldn't go anywhere. She thought that Sayuri must have had thirty crushes since she had known her, but had only been on two or three dates. Akane frowned. That was still more then she had been on with Ranma. She glanced over at her fiance, who was cramming in the few minutes before class started. Dummy. Very slowly, Akane stopped moving. Little things started to click in her head. Little rainbows and clouds. 'Big sisters'. 'Think i'm in love.' Akane's head inched around to look back at Sayuri, who was doing some last- minute cramming of her own. Oh no. No no no no no. Akane pulled out and flattened the letter she had crumpled into her bag, and compared it against Sayuri's note. The pictures matched. The characters were in the same handwriting. Her best friend Sayuri was in love with her? When the hell did this happen?! She started to read the 'love letter' in earnest to see just how bad the infatuation was, when the bell rang, and the teacher started handing out tests. "Everything off your desk except a number two pencil and eraser," barked the teacher. Reluctantly she put the papers into her bookbag, and slid the bag under her chair. She started tapping her pencil on her desk and concentrated on ignoring Sayuri. She had to concentrate on the test. Just forget about Sayuri sitting three rows back. Just-- * * * * * * "Hey! I think I did okay on the essay questions. Your notes really helped, Akane!" Ranma handed the spiral-bound notebook to Akane, but she just stared at it. "Akane?" He waggled the notebook. "Huh? Oh, thanks." Akane took the notebook and put in her bag. "Uh, are you okay? Did you mess up a question or something on the test?" Ranma doubted that. Akane wasn't a brainiac, but she was one of the smarter people in class. Well, she studied, at least, and got good grades. Akane winced. Ranma would have to bring up the test. She'd be lucky if she got above a 65 on it. She had been so distracted by Sayuri, that she couldn't think clearly for the first fifteen minutes. When she finally did get her mind on the test, she had lost a lot a precious time. At least she did the multiple choice answers first. With her state of mind early in the test, she probably would have repeatedly written "Sayuri is in love with me" in the essay section. Thinking back, she become worried. She DID do the multiple choice questions first, right? "Akane!" A chirpy Sayuri bounded over to Akane, with Yuka following behind. "Did you forget my note?" Akane winced. She had hoped to get off of campus before bumping into Sayuri. "Ah... Yeah." She scratched the back of her head. "Sorry." Yuka chimed in. "Guess who's in love again?" Sayuri spun around, and gave her friend a prim look. It just made Yuka grin more widely. Ranma radiated waves of uncomfortability. "Uh, maybe I should be going now..." He didn't feel like hanging around Akane and her girlfriends. Especially the way Sayuri was glaring at him. "See you at home," said Akane. "Yeah, see you later." He gave Akane a small wave, and started walking off. He'd just grab a snack before heading back. After Ranma was out of sight, Sayuri complained, "He's such a pervert!" "That's my line," responded Akane. "Do I even want to know what he did this time?" Before Sayuri could state her case, Yuka blurted next to her, "They're romantic rivals!" "Who're rivals?" "Sayuri and Ranma!" Yuka jokingly poked Sayuri's shoulder with her finger, which made the smaller girl pout. "I'm not that pervert's anything," she claimed. "There's no way he's going to win the heart of my Darling!" She battled her eyelids for effect. "M- Maybe you should forget about your 'Darling', Sayuri..." Sayuri could only blink. Akane was giving her a weird nervous look. Was she actually suggesting that she stop chasing that hunky martial artist and let RANMA get him? Even Yuka looked surprised. Sayuri put her hand on Akane's forehead. "Are you feeling alright?" Akane jerked back and swallowed. "I'm fine. Look, Sayuri. Just... forget about it, please? I know we're friends and all, and I really don't want to hurt your feelings, but..." Sayuri could see sweat beading on Akane's forehead; even her hands appeared to be shaking. Sayuri grabbed one of them, and put her other hand on Akane's forehead again. Akane tried to back away, but Sayuri held her firmly in place. There didn't appear to be a temperature. "Are you alright, Akane?" Yuka added, "Yeah, you don't look so good." "Maybe we should take you to the nurse's office. So you can lie down." "Th- that's okay!" Akane laughed nervously. "You're acting so jumpy." "Maybe you SHOULD lie down now." Yuka's hand was on Akane's shoulder. For some reason, Akane got worse, and started looking back and forth between herself and Yuka. Then she muttered something about "not the both of them", and started pulling something out of her book bag. Pink and yellow sheets that Sayuri instantly recognized. "Hey! Where did you get that!" It was the letter she had written to her Darling. Then upperclassman Kuno showed up. "Akane, my love!" As they turned to look at him, Sayuri thought Akane might actually be relieved! "What is it, Kuno?" "Tell me why! Why must I talk to you in order to reach the foul miscreant who has stolen my pig-tailed girl's thoughts? Tell me you too haven't fallen under his spell!" Sayuri blinked at Akane. "You know my Darling?" Remembering the sheets in her hand she realized, "You DO know him! You know where I can find him!" She started bouncing happily. Akane must be Nabiki's go-between to the cute martial artist! Akane boggled. "Him?" "Akane, you must stay away from this man. He is clearly a two-timing womanizer." "Hey!" grumped Sayuri. "Wha- Who are you talking about?" Akane's nervousness was beginning to be replaced with the beginnings of anger. "What's going on?" Yuka helped. "Sayuri's fallen for a new martial artist." "A new martial artist? So she's not in love with... Thank goodness!" Akane wiped her brow. "He is assuredly a cretin! A muscle-bound oaf who has no doubt stoop to using drugs or spellcraft to win the heart of my love! You simply MUST stay away from him, Akane. Tell me where I can find him that I might suitably SMITE him!" "The heart of your love?" Yuka reminded her, "Like I said, Ranma is Sayuri's romantic rival for this new guy." "Like that pervert would stand a chance with my Darling! He can tell a REAL woman from a half-girl like 'her'!" Kuno shook his head, "What are you talking about, woman? The pig-tailed girl is no pervert! And she is as much a lady as you. If not more." "Ooh!" Sayuri fumed at the insult Kuno didn't even realise he had made. "Who is this new martial artist? What is this 'romantic rival' stuff? What is going on?!?" "You don't know him?" asked Sayuri. "Surely you must," added Kuno, "Else why must I talk to you to find his whereabouts?" "Ranma's got the hots for him," supplied Yuka. "The pervert," amended Sayuri. "Ranma's got the hots for a GUY? You sure he just isn't pulling some sort of prank?" "It's all on film," confirmed Yuka. "Sayuri has a tape showing her blushing like a shy little schoolgirl." Sayuri pulled the videocassette in question out. "Lemme see that." "Sasuke!" bellowed Kuno. A small man popped out of a trap door concealed under the ground. Sayuri squeaked and stepped back. "Yes, my master?" "A VCR and TV, that the fair Akane Tendo may see the brigand who stalks the maidens of Furinkan High!" Sayuri boggled as the little man pulled out a TV/VCR combo like the one Nabiki had been carrying around, and gingerly handed him her cassette. She hoped the machine wouldn't eat her tape. As the scene cued up, the others huddled around the small screen. Sayuri wondered how long the extension cord was that snaked into the tunnel Sasuke had popped out of. Were there tunnels and secret panels all over the school grounds? She looked around warily. "That's the new guy, see?" said Yuka from the huddled crowd. She couldn't, since everyone else was too close the screen. She got behind Akane and peered over her. "Isn't he dreamy?" she cooed. She closed her eyes and rolled her head on Akane's shoulder. "That's me!" Yuka paused the tape. "What?" "Akane, surely you can tell the difference between a crude, violent boy and a fierce tigress such as yourself? This cad isn't a martial artist such as yourself, but an untrained street fighter. A mere brawler." "ExCUSE me?!? WHO are you calling crude and violent?" Akane made a fist. "Akane, has this man already confused you too with his words? Did he do anything to you? Did you eat or drink anything from him? Inhale any strange gasses?" Yuka added, "Yeah, what are you talking about?" Sayuri, currently hanging onto Akane's back, also wanted to know. "THAT," Akane said, pointing at the image of the martial artist, "Is ME." She pointed at herself. Yesterday I got splashed with Instant Spring of Drowned Man. Instant Boy Akane." Sayuri and Kuno froze in place. After a moment, Sayuri decided that it might not be the greatest idea to be pressed up against Akane's back, with her chin on her shoulder. Yes, maybe getting off would be best... She slid off in a daze. No one noticed her as she walked off the school grounds. "Wha- What nonsense are you speaking of, Akane? You're no more a boy then the pig-tailed girl!" "Idiot! He's a boy, too! The pig-tailed girl is Ranma!" "Have you suffered a blow to the head? You must tell me where this man is; he's clearly done something to you!" He paused. "Ranma! Is that black sorcerer involved in this, too? No doubt the two of them are in league with each other. You must stay away from them, Akane! They no doubt wish to have you and the pig-tailed girl to themselves. Come with me to my--" His rambling were cut off when he tried to grab Akane, and she punted him into the sky. His voice trailed off, "Sasuuukeeeee!" "Master Kuuuuunooo!" Sasuke chased after the dot that was Kuno. He ran as fast as his short legs could carry him, which was almost enough for the task. With Kuno's high arc, the air resistance caught his body and billowing hakama, and slowed his forward momentum. Sasuke was about to dive under the Master, when he remembered Mistress Kodachi berating him for the stains on his ninja garb. If dived to save the master, there would surely be a huge grass stain on the front-- "Ulk!" Kuno, struck the ground head-first, not ten feet away from Sasuke. The incredible strength in his neck muscles kept the rest of his body suspended in the air, even as his head was completely swallowed by the turf. Sasuke tried to pull the Master out of the ground, but he simply weighed too much for the diminutive ninja. If he didn't hurry, the master might suffocate! (How fortunate that his brain didn't require much oxygen!) "Are you alright!?!" A boy about the same height and build as Kuno came running over. "I heard the scream!" "Please, you must help me save the Master!" pleaded Sasuke. "We must unplant him!" "What do you want me to do?" "We must pull him out!" "Right!" The boy started pulling on Kuno's legs, assisting Sasuke. The boy could only pull with one arm, as the other was in a sling, and Sasuke had no leverage with his height, but between the two of them, they managed to pop Kuno out, only stretching his neck a few inches in the process. They stumbled as his body pulled free, landing on the ground. The master instantly sat up, folding his arms and legs together in contemplation. Somehow, all the dirt miraculously sloughed away from his face and hair, leaving an unblemished visage. "Sasuke, you could have saved a lot of trouble if you had merely thrown your body between myself and the ground." Sasuke started to bow and scrape. "I'm so sorry, Master Kuno, but Mistress Kodachi--" The helpful young man spoke up. "Are you alright?" The Master turned to look at him with an appraising eye. "And you might be?" "Oh!" He bowed clumsily. "I'm--" Kuno interrupted him in mid-bow. "But it is the custom to give one's own name first. Very well. I am Tatewaki Kuno, age eighteen, undefeated Kendo champion and the Blue Thunder of Furinkan High!" The boys' mouth hung open. "Ah... My name is Akira. Akira Tsu. Uh, age seventeen." "Your assistance is appreciated, Classman Tsu. It is rare to find one of any manners at this school. "Well, I couldn't just leave you there. Was it Akane? I mean, the one who knocked you into the air like that?" Sasuke watched his Master and Akira Tsu carefully. It wouldn't do if there was another suitor after Miss Akane. "And what is your relationship to Akane Tendo?" asked the Master. "I... don't have a relationship. It's just that she kicked me, too. Yesterday she kicked me into the pool and then into the canal. I guess we victims of Akane should stick together, eh?" "I am no victim of Akane, but rather a misunderstanding. A new martial artist has come to Nerima and seeks to have her." The Master's eyes narrowed on the boy, and Sasuke prepared to assist him should it come to a fight. At least the boy didn't look like the one in the video. "And just WHY did the fair Akane Tendo injure you?" "It was a... misunderstanding." "Indeed? I'm not sure I like the sound of that, Mr. Tsu. Akane Tendo is under my protection." The boy was properly cowed by the Master's words (at least he blinked in confusion). "I just splashed her with water a couple times." Kuno's mind was not the most powerful thing, but it was efficient in its way. Yes, compact and efficient. And highly optimized for thoughts on his beloveds. Truly it was a great mind, for he was able to think of both of them at the same time. Multitasking, he had heard it called in a computer education course. A mind capable of thinking of doing two things at the same time must be powerful indeed. The part that thought exclusively about Akane remembered her saying something just before she accidentally brushed him away. Something about 'splashing'. "Tell me, young Tsu. What do you know of... 'Spring of Drowned Man'?" The boy blinked. "That... That's what I splashed Akane with yesterday. It's why she kicked me into the canal." "What is so special about this water?" "It turns the person splashed with it into a man." "Into a MAN?!?!" Kuno grabbed Akira's collar. "You would turn my huntress into a loathsome man?" He reached for a bokken. "N- No! It's temporary!" "You will stay away from Akane Tendo, fiend. You will not approach her without my permission." The boy was suitably cowed by the bokken Kuno held ready in front of him. The part of Kuno's brain that though exclusively of the pig-tailed girl made an amendment to his words. "And neither will you approach the pig-tailed girl!" "W-Who?" "My feisty goddess. A nymph of no compare. The fire of her spirit is matched only by the flaming color of her hair--" "You mean Ranma?!" "Why do you mention him in the same breath as my pig-tailed girl! Do you know his hold over her?" The point of the bokken was now trained half a centimeter from Akira's Adam's apple. As he swallowed, the point faithfully tracked its movements. "D- Don't you know?" "Speak, boy! Tell me everything!!" "I... He... Ranma went to Jusenkyo and fell into the Spring of Drowned Girl. Now he turns into your 'pig-tailed girl' when he gets splashed with cold water. He's looking for Spring of Drowned Man water so he won't change anymore! He was hoping I had some instead of just instant mixes, but--" The boy continued babbling, but Kuno was no longer paying attention. He had a revelation. An amazing surge of brain power (shorting out a few connections in the process). A leap of intuition that suddenly made everything clear. For years he had searched for enlightenment as to the relationship between Akane Tendo, the pig-tailed girl, and Ranma Saotome. This young man had provided the missing piece. "I was wrong all along," he spoke as if in a daze. "Ranma isn't the sorcerer. He hasn't trapped the pig-tailed girl's mind and body... YOU DID!!!" "me?" "You have tried to steal her body for your evil minion Saotome, but she fights your magic! And now you would take Akane's body as well!! You would replace my beloveds with animalistic beasts, mere men that only fight for you and your evil ways. I will end it now! Your mad schemes die with you!" ------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- End Part 5 Next Time: "Cold Water, Hot Temper" ------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------